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We have outlined the importance of the trader’s emotional feelings towards the customer. Now we will…
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Let’s face it, the daily grind can get old. While that paycheck might keep the lights on, wouldn’t it be amazing to…
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Are you tired of hearing the word lead but you don’t know how to get it in your business? Do you have visitors but no one leaves you their email? In today’s…
Sometimes we think that things have to be black or white, with no middle ground. In online and offline marketing and in general on the…
What do you think is the primary goal for small businesses? Of course, to attract many customers. Well, then you have to…
What owner or manager wouldn’t want a more productive business. But how to do that? A solution is offered through the so-called business process…
Must Read
The startup world is a feeding frenzy of innovation, with fresh ideas constantly bubbling up.…