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We have outlined the importance of the trader’s emotional feelings towards the customer. Now we will…
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Let’s face it, the daily grind can get old. While that paycheck might keep the lights on, wouldn’t it be amazing to…
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What owner or manager wouldn’t want a more productive business. But how to do that? A solution is offered through the so-called business process improvement, i.e. through the improvement or optimization of…
Remember the gold rush of the 1840s? Picks and shovels in hand, prospectors flocked to California, chasing dreams of striking it rich.…
The allure of the billion-dollar startup – a modern-day fairytale where a game-changing idea turns two college buddies into tech titans. It’s…
Remember the days of trekking to the bank, waiting in line for a teller, and hoping they had enough twenties in the…
Must Read
In the realm of modern business, the intricacies of organizational structures and operational processes often…